A Complete Beginner

1 minute read

Where to Start

The Command Line (which I had no idea even existed, let alone what it did) was an excellent place to start and was the first of the Learn Enough to be Dangerous series I completed. I was lucky enough to have an experienced software developer (who turned out to be a great teaching assistant) at my disposal.
I was quite surprised at how much I geeked out by the “magic” of the command line. At one point I even excitedly asked my husband “so am I programming now?!” His response was “not quite yet.” How little I knew…

The Next Steps

From there it is recommended to complete Learn Enough Text Editor to be Dangerous. I must confess, this is the one course from the series I did not complete. The course is necessary for beginners but I had the advantage of being taught about text editors by my husband.
So, after the command line I completed the Learn Enough HTML, Git, CSS & Layout and Ruby courses in that order. Although I completed the courses online, I believe you can buy the books. The online versions are updated frequently which I found really useful.

My Progress

I’m currently working through the Ruby on Rails course which I have found challenging at times but things are slowly clicking (I think!). The Ruby course is not tecnically a pre-requisite to the Ruby on Rails course but I personally found it extremely helpful to have a basic knowledge of Ruby beforehand. My plan is to move onto Javascript next.

